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مَن خَرَجَ في طَلَبِ العلْم فَهُوَ في سـبيل الله حتى يَرْجِع
"The person who goes forth in search of Knowledge is striving hard in the way of God; until he returns" Tirmidhi
1. Theory of Health. (Submitted By- Dr. Javed Jamil)
2. The Pillars of Islam: Redefined. (Submitted By - Zahid Jamil)
3. Islam and Family Planning. (Submitted By - Dr. Javed Jamil)
4. Salat, First expression of Iman& Wudhu: The Cornerstone of Hygiene (Submitted by Dr Javed Jamil)
5. The Islamic Framework for Sustainable Human Development (Submitted by Sheikh Hassan A. Elsetohy)
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