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مَن خَرَجَ في طَلَبِ العلْم فَهُوَ في سـبيل الله حتى يَرْجِع
"The person who goes forth in search of Knowledge is striving hard in the way of God; until he returns" Tirmidhi
IFER is keen to research all topics which would help Muslims in improving their understanding of Islam and to facilitate/guide them to its practice in all fields of life. Thus we are keen to find answers to all problems in light of the Quran and Hadith. Due to rapid advances in science and technology, continuing research on the human body and mind, emergence of new concepts of spirituality, new developments in methods of governance, enforcement of new legal laws through parliament bills, rapid expansion of financial methods used to manage personal and business finance etc, a practicing Muslim faces new dilemmas every day. IFER will attempt to research all new concepts in light of the Quran and Hadith and provide an answer to practicing Muslims.
IFER also wishes to restudy the conventional concepts of religious beliefs and practices to ascertain that Muslims are following their true religion and not one which may have been overshadowed by local customs and traditions, superstitious theories of so called religious teachers, amendments by so called liberals or a religion which has lost its true spirit as a guiding force in real life matters as well as in spiritual beliefs.
Readers are requested to suggest topics of research. People working in various specialized fields are requested to suggest topics where they find an intriguing issue on a subject in their field which needs clarification in light of the Quran and Hadith. Readers are also requested to suggest whether they feel the need for further interpretation or clarification about any particular religious belief or practice.
Please limit your suggestion for a new research topic to 500 words, explaining the core issue and what needs to be researched.
To submit a topic for research, please submit your details and suggestion below.
CONTACT US OR E-mail us at ifer.org@hotmail.com OR moderator@ifer.org.au