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(Suggested By- Zahid Jamil)
Salat is the most important part of a Muslims life. It is to be offered by all on daily basis and is the fundamental spiritual practice through which a Muslim connects to his lord Allah SWT. Through Salat a Muslim engages in communication with his creator several times a day. Surely, if a Muslim achieves perfection in Salat, his/her life matters would not fall prey to any unholy worldly temptations. Wudu as well as physical actions during salat also have huge medical benefits. It is a great challenge for every Muslim to achieve perfection in physical as well as spiritual aspects of salat. Usually we take short cuts in performing wudu as well as during important segments of rukuh, sajda etc. Also we are unable to concentrate spiritually due to the life issues which seem to bother us all the time. If we fully understand the meaning of each and every word we recite during salat, it will help us in elevating the spirituality. Should it be allowed to recite some sections of Salat in ones own language long with Arabic? It will help an average non-Arabic speaking Muslim in comprehending what he is saying to the almighty. This research paper will detail spiritual as well as medical benefits of salat, explain in details the meaning and purpose of all recitation and actions and inspire Muslims to attain perfection in this most important duty of a Muslims life. The paper will also explain the purpose and benefits of various salats including congregational prayers and prayers in late nights and early mornings. A medical researcher and a Islamic scholar can join in an effort to produce a paper on salat which will be of extraordinary value to Muslims throughout the world.